The Atari Compendium
The Atari Compendium (Toad Computers) (1994).iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
339 lines
* MEMFIND.C - An example program for AESFAST which uses just dialogs.
* Public Domain example program by Ian Lepore.
* This is distributed as an example of how to write a simple program using
* my AESFAST public domain GEM bindings. This example uses a few of
* the nifty utilities from AESFAST, but it's pretty much straightforward
* dialog-handling code.
* This beast may be marginally useful beyond its value as an example.
* It will find and report on the 5 biggest blocks of free memory in
* the system, giving a somewhat more acurate view than programs which
* report only the largest free block.
* This code is pretty heavily commented. Please excuse me if some of
* the comments seem obvious, but I figure the audience for this will
* include both beginning C programmers, and old-timers who just need to
* see how my bindings work as opposed to other bindings.
#include <gemfast.h>
#include <osbind.h>
#include "memfind.h"
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define NO_RSRC -2783 /* a random number */
* global vars
typedef struct {
char *pmem;
long lmem;
int objlink;
char displaystr[25];
#define NUM_BLOCKS 5
OBJECT *maintree;
char map_template[] = "$%06lx %4dk"; /* template for printf() */
char no_rsrc_alert[] = "[3][ | Can't open/load RSC file! | ][ Fatal ]";
* prg_exit - Cleanup and terminate.
* If the exit code is our magic number NO_RSRC (indicating that we're
* exiting because the resource load failed), we skip the rsrc_free call.
int code;
if (code != NO_RSRC) {
* prg_init.
* This routine does mundance AES init stuff, and makes the connections
* between the string objects in the resource tree and the elements in
* our memory control array.
* The connections concept is based upon accessing arrays of strings in
* a dialog box without knowing the actual object indicies (names) of
* the string objects. (Some discussion of this can also be found in
* the MINICOLR accessory example code). I'll be the first to admit
* that this technique is overkill for this little program, since only
* five text strings are involved. On the other hand, you can increase
* the number of displayed memory fragments simply by going into the
* resource file and making a few more copies of the display strings,
* then coming into this source code and increasing NUM_BLOCKS to match
* the new number of display strings in the resource file. No other
* changes are necessary, and *that's* something you can't say about
* 'normal' GEM coding techniques.
* What this technique really does is isolate the location of the objects
* in the RSC file from the program code. Thus, a hacker-type can munge
* up the resource file and the program will still run correctly, even
* if objects are added, deleted, moved, or sorted.
* In this implementation, I've set an 'extended object type' on each
* of the display string objects, using my resource editor. I chose
* a value of '1' for the extended type, but this is completely
* arbitrary.
* Just for grins, I'll list here the code I would have used if I hadn't
* implemented the location-independant connections concept. First, I'll
* explain my standard for naming objects...
* nnnnttxx
* ||||||++--- 2 char arbitrary id (my object name)
* ||||++----- object type (see list below)
* ++++------- name of the tree holding the object
* Object types for naming standards are:
* BX - Button (eXit)
* BR - Button (Radio) (also used for radio boxchars)
* ST - STring
* TX - TeXt (display only)
* TE - Text (Editable)
* PB - Parent Box (usually invisible, parent for radio buttons)
* TREE- Special-case name, indicates a root (R_TREE) objct.
* Thus, using this standard, you might have:
* MAINBXOK - Exit button 'OK' in main dialog box.
* DEVSBRDA - Radio Button for drive A in device selection dialog.
* MAINSTM1 - Display string M1 in main dialog.
* Anyway, enough standards. You don't have to use my standard, but
* I'd advise you to use *some* kind of naming standard that ties object
* names to the trees they live in, if you want to maintain your sanity.
* So, IF I had done this program in the 'normal' way, the loop below
* which does the 'connections' works would be replaced by the following:
* rsc_sstrings(maintree,
* MAINSTM1,mem_ctl[0].displaystr,
* MAINSTM2,mem_ctl[1].displaystr,
* MAINSTM3,mem_ctl[2].displaystr,
* MAINSTM4,mem_ctl[3].displaystr,
* MAINSTM5,mem_ctl[4].displaystr,
* -1);
* The rsc_sstrings routine is an AESFAST library routine that sets the
* ob_spec pointers for 1-n strings within a dialog tree.
int dmy;
register int objcounter;
register int strcounter;
register OBJECT *pobj;
register MEM_BLOCK *pblock;
* call AES init, then try to load the resource file. if the RSC load
* fails, go whine at the user and exit.
if (!rsrc_load("MEMFIND.RSC")) {
* get the address of the dialog tree
rsrc_gaddr(R_TREE, MAINTREE, &maintree);
* connect up the links between the memory control structures and the
* object structures... (see notes above).
* go through the object tree, and each time we encounter an object
* with the right extended object type, connect that object's ob_spec
* pointer to the display string in the memory control structure, and
* make note of the object's index in the objlink field of the memory
* control structure. normally, only the ob_spec link would be made,
* but for our application we need to be able to set an object's flags
* to HIDETREE if we discover an empty block in the memory control struct.
* the loop control here will stop if we run out of memory control blocks
* or if we run out of objects in the tree. this means that if someone
* munges up the resource file and removes some of our string objects,
* then some memory blocks won't be displayed, but at least nothing dies.
objcounter = strcounter = 0;
do {
pobj = &maintree[objcounter];
if (1 == (pobj->ob_type >> 8)) {
pblock = &mem_ctl[strcounter];
pobj->ob_spec = (long)pblock->displaystr;
pblock->objlink = objcounter;
} while ( (strcounter < NUM_BLOCKS) &&
(!(pobj->ob_flags & LASTOB)) );
* init all done, change the mouse from a busy-bee to an arrow.
graf_mouse(ARROW, 0L);